RoR Devise: Sign in with username OR email

Patrick Oscity picture Patrick Oscity · Jun 8, 2010 · Viewed 28.4k times · Source

What's the best way to enable users to log in with their email address OR their username? I am using warden + devise for authentication. I think it probably won't be too hard to do it but i guess i need some advice here on where to put all the stuff that is needed. Perhaps devise already provides this feature? Like in the config/initializers/devise.rb you would write:

config.authentication_keys = [ :email, :username ]

To require both username AND email for signing in. But i really want to have only one field for both username and email and require only one of them. I'll just visualize that with some ASCII art, it should look something like this in the view:

Username or Email:


[Sign In]


Patrick Oscity picture Patrick Oscity · Jun 9, 2010

I have found a solution for the problem. I'm not quite satisfied with it (I'd rather have a way to specify this in the initializer), but it works for now. In the user model I added the following method:

def self.find_for_database_authentication(conditions={})
  find_by(username: conditions[:email]) || find_by(email: conditions[:email])

As @sguha and @Chetan have pointed out, another great resource is available on the official devise wiki.