Rails 4.1 with ActiveJob gem - uninitialized constant ActiveJob

Marklar picture Marklar · Oct 27, 2014 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I have followed the getting started with active job article by EngineYard. The article states:

You'll need Rails 4.2.0beta1 or greater if you want to Active Job available by default (in older versions of Rails, you can require it as a gem)

I am trying to use ActiveJob in my Rails 4.1 project. I added ActiveJob to my gemfile gem 'activejob'. As per the article, I have:

ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :resque

However, when I run rails server I get the following error:

config/initializers/active_job.rb:1:in': uninitialized constant ActiveJob (NameError)`

EDIT - Fixed typo "gem active job"


Following solydest's suggestion below, adding require 'active_job' to application.rb allows me to no longer get the uninitialized constant ActiveJob error but instead I receive the error undefined method perform_later' when I try to call my job. I am following the edge rails guide and enqueue my job with code similar to:


The beginning of my job class:

class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :images
  def perform(id)


solydest picture solydest · Oct 28, 2014

I added require 'active_job' to config/application.rb just below all the other require directives and that solved the issue for me.