How to check what is queued in ActiveJob using Rspec

mylescc picture mylescc · Oct 9, 2014 · Viewed 36.2k times · Source

I'm working on a reset_password method in a Rails API app. When this endpoint is hit, an ActiveJob is queued that will fire off a request to Mandrill (our transactional email client). I'm currently trying to write the tests to ensure that that the ActiveJob is queued correctly when the controller endpoint is hit.

def reset_password
  @user = User.find_by(email: params[:user][:email])

The send_reset_password_instructions creates some url's etc before creating the ActiveJob which's code is below:

class SendEmailJob < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :default

  def perform(message)
    mandrill =
    mandrill.messages.send_template "reset-password", [], message
  rescue Mandrill::Error => e
    puts "A mandrill error occurred: #{e.class} - #{e.message}"

At the moment we are not using any adapters for the ActiveJob, so I just want to check with Rspec that the ActiveJob is queued.

Currently my test looks something like this (I'm using factory girl to create the user):

require 'active_job/test_helper'

describe '#reset_password' do
  let(:user) { create :user }

  it 'should create an ActiveJob to send the reset password email' do
    expect(enqueued_jobs.size).to eq 0
    post :reset_password, user: { email: }
    expect(enqueued_jobs.size).to eq 1

Everything works in reality, I just need to create the tests!

I'm using ruby 2.1.2 and rails 4.1.6.

I can't see any documentation or help anywhere on the web on how to test on this so any help would be greatly appreciated!


Josh Smith picture Josh Smith · Dec 24, 2014

The accepted answer no longer works for me, so I tried Michael H.'s suggestion in the comments, which works.

describe 'whatever' do
  include ActiveJob::TestHelper

  after do

  it 'should email' do
    expect(enqueued_jobs.size).to eq(1)