How to extract URL parameters from a URL with Ruby or Rails?

Flackou picture Flackou · Mar 23, 2010 · Viewed 117.8k times · Source

I have some URLs, like

and I would like to extract the parameters from these URLs and get them in a Hash. Obviously, I could use regular expressions, but I was just wondering if there was easier ways to do that with Ruby or Rails. I haven't found anything in the Ruby module URI but perhaps I missed something.

In fact, I need a method that would do that:

#=> {:param1 => 'value1', :param2 => 'value2', :param3 => 'value3'}

Would you have some advices?


Luqman picture Luqman · Mar 23, 2010

I think you want to turn any given URL string into a HASH?

You can try

require 'cgi'



{"param1"=>["value1"], "param2"=>["value2"], "param3"=>["value3"]}