Rails will_paginate custom route

kristian nissen picture kristian nissen · Mar 14, 2010 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

How can I use will_paginate with a custom route?

I have the following in my routes:

map.connect 'human-readable/:name', :controller => :tags, :action => 'show'

but will_paginate uses url_for as far as I can tell, but I want to use 'human-readable' instead of url_for, but how?


When I click the paging link generated by will_paginate, it's using:


Instead of:


I want will_paginate to use my custom route instead of the actual controller name


Harish Shetty picture Harish Shetty · Mar 14, 2010

The will_paginate view helper has a :params option for overriding the default link generation.

Change your routes configuration:

map.human_readable_tag '/human-readable/:name', 
     :controller => :tags, :action => 'show'

Invoke the will_paginate view helper as follows:

<%= will_paginate @tag_list, 
     :params => {:controller => human_readable_tag_path(@tag_name) } %>

Make sure you have set the @tag_name variable in your controller.

For more information read the will_paginate view helper documentation.

The :params option passed to the helper is used to invoke url_for. So read the url_for documentation for how we faked a controller name.