Top "Rtd" questions

RTD (Real Time Data) is a feature introduced with Excel 2002 to display data provided by an RTD server.

How to read temperature using arduino uno board with PT100 RTD sensor?

I am new to arduino programming. And almost inexperienced. I am looking to program my arduino Uno board to read 2/3/4 …

arduino arduino-uno temperature rtd
How do I create a real-time Excel automation add-in in C# using RtdServer?

I was tasked with writing a real-time Excel automation add-in in C# using RtdServer for work. I relied heavily on …

c# vsto excel-addins rtd excel-udf
How do I enable an Excel Automation Add-in through the registry?

I have an Excel Automation Add-in that is registered with COM by my installer. By registering with COM, my add-in …

excel registry excel-addins rtd vba
What does "Microsoft Office Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action." mean?

I have a working RTD Excel automation add-in similar to the one described here. Intermittently, while attempting to load a …

excel user-defined-functions rtd excel-udf vba
How to work around `pywintypes.com_error` using pyrtd/pythoncom?

I am trying to use the pyrtd module for Python to get the information which can be got in Excel …

python pywin32 win32com rtd pythoncom
Excel RTD (Real Time Data) client other than Excel?

I have been looking all over, and couldn't find any example for an RTD CLIENT (many RTD server samples, though). …

c++ excel client rtd