Top "Rsyslog" questions

Rsyslog is enhanced syslogd with lot of enhanced features

Python logging with rsyslog

I've inherited the following python file: import logging from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler class Logger(object): # Return a logging instance …

python logging python-2.6 rsyslog
Haproxy not logging with rsyslog

I want to setup HTTP logging in HAProxy and am having some trouble getting it to output the requests correctly. …

linux sockets unix haproxy rsyslog
JBoss AS 7 configure logging to Syslog Appender

In a previous version of Jboss I was able to configure a SYSLOG appender with the following configuration in jboss-log4…

logging log4j jboss7.x syslog rsyslog
How to make systemd kill or stop respawning the rsyslog daemon

It is great that systemd can keep rsyslog daemon alive even when it dies. But I am crafting a new …

systemd rsyslog
Java app in Docker container does not log to syslog properly

My Goal I have a couple of different containers running inside a host. They all share a volume with each …

logging docker syslog rsyslog
change msg property to new value with rsyslog

I have this rsyslog configuration: $template f_x,"/path/%programname%.%$YEAR%%$MONTH%%$DAY%%$HOUR%.log" if $programname == 'xyz' and $msg …

configuration replace rsyslog msg
Multiline Log issue with rsyslog

I am having a application server (Ubuntu 14.04) which has tomcat server running over it. This same application server consist of "…

tomcat logging rsyslog nxlog papertrail-app
rsyslog - Property-based filtering not working

I almost hate to submit a topic for this, but I haven't been able to figure it out on my …

linux fedora iptables syslog rsyslog
CentOS 7 rsyslog DEBUG logs dropped for C/C++ modules

I am using rsyslog (rsyslog-7.4.7-7.el7_0.x86_64) on CentOS 7 (CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)). We have some applications on it …

rsyslog rate-limiting
rsyslog filtering and forwarding

I'm trying to acheive filtering and forwarding using a rsyslog vm. When i use *.* @@ it forwards all logs to that …
