rspec-rails is an extension of the RSpec testing framework that provides support for testing Ruby on Rails applications.
What is the actual strategy to test strong params filtering in Rails controller with Rspec? (Except shoulda matchers) How to …
ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 rspec rspec-railsMy Rails 3.2 app uses OmniAuth and Devise to sign in with Twitter. The authentication system works fine. I would like …
ruby-on-rails-3 rspec integration-testing omniauth rspec-railsSo Rails 3.1 comes with a little-known handy "rails g plugin new" generator, which gives you a skeleton suitable for a …
ruby-on-rails rspec gem ruby-on-rails-plugins rspec-railsI upgraded my rspec-rails to 3.0.1 and now I'm seeing this error on all of my tests Failure/Error: Sidekiq::Status::…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 rspec rspec-rails rspec3If I add: config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods under RSpec.configure do |config| and run rspec, I see this error: /…
ruby-on-rails rspec factory-bot rspec-railsThere are a chain of methods which gets a user object. I am trying to mock the following to return …
ruby-on-rails ruby rspec rspec-railsFound similar questions but surprisingly none, that I've found, give a simple answer... Trying to stub a helper method in …
ruby-on-rails rspec rspec-railsHow do you test a controller in Rspec if the controller only responds with javascript? For example this would be …
ruby-on-rails-3.1 rspec2 rspec-railsNewly signed up users to my little app must be approved by the admin (me) before they can gain access …
ruby-on-rails-3 actionmailer rspec-rails sendgridUnsure if this is a Capybara issue, but I just did a fresh install of Rails (4.1.1) and Rspec Rails (3.0.1) and …
ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 capybara rspec-rails