rspec-rails is an extension of the RSpec testing framework that provides support for testing Ruby on Rails applications.
I am using a Mac OS running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and RVM 1.10.3, Ruby 1.9.3-p125, Ruby on Rails 3.2.2 and rspec-rails-2.8.1. I have …
ruby-on-rails ruby macos rspec rspec-railsI created a new rails application and followed the installation instructions for rspec-rails here - …
rspec-railsWhat is the conceptual difference between Rspec's feature specs and request specs? From the feature spec docs: Feature specs are …
ruby-on-rails rspec rspec-railsI am experiencing some baffling behavior in rspec and rspec-rails 2.11.0. I have reproduced the behavior on a co-worker's app running 2.7.1 (…
ruby-on-rails rspec2 rspec-railsI've broken my rails-rspec. I switched to a different gemset to run a 3rd party test. When I returned to …
ruby-on-rails-4 rspec-railsI'm trying to find examples of testing controllers with Minitest, but I've only found a couple and the just verify …
ruby-on-rails testing rspec rspec-rails minitestI've seen some SO posts explaining how to use pry to step into rspec tests and been able to do …
ruby-on-rails debugging rspec rspec-rails pryMy trouble arose in Chapter 11 of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial here. I was seeing this rspec error: Failure/Error: :…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rspec rspec-rails railstutorial.orgShouldn't I be able to see instance variables which are created in a controller action from within my rspect tests? # /…
ruby-on-rails rspec rspec-railsGiven my API consumers are required to send a customer HTTP header like this: # curl -H 'X-SomeHeader: 123'…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rspec rspec-rails