How can I populate a table of records which has more than one field of %rowtype using bulk collect? my …
oracle plsql record rowtype bulk-collectW.r.t code below I can not declare the type of fetch-into-variable as the underlying table's %ROWTYPE because the …
oracle stored-procedures plsql sys-refcursor rowtypeI'm trying to return a Custom type from a PostgreSQL function as follows: DROP TYPE IF EXISTS GaugeSummary_GetDateRangeForGauge_Type …
postgresql types rowtypeThis is my pl/sql program: declare m_no emp.emp_no%rowtype; m_name emp.emp_name%rowtype; m_…
plsql cursor rowtypeIs it possible to create a rowtype for a table name which is passed as a parameter to a Stored-Procedure …
oracle stored-procedures plsql rowtype