Top "Rows" questions

A row is a single data item in a database, spreadsheet, table, grid or list.

C# DataGridView Automatically Adding One _Extra_ Row

[Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Windows 7 Professional 64] I have a C# class that extends DataGridView: public class DataGridViewTest : DataGridView This class programatically …

c# datagridview rows extra
How to find Column with same (some x value) value repeated more than once? Needs to return those rows.

There is a table called contacts with columns id, name, address, ph_no etc. I need to find out rows …

oracle plsql duplicates rows
Delphi TStringGrid multi select, determining selected rows

Is there anyway to determine which rows are currently selected in a multi-select TStringGrid, or a TCustomGrid for that matter. …

delphi rows selected tstringgrid
Different (dynamic) items height in GridLayoutManager

I have a RecyclerView and GridLayoutManager with 2 columns. How can I force LayoutManager to be according with template on the …

android height android-recyclerview rows gridlayoutmanager
Swapping rows within the same pandas dataframe

I'm trying to swap the rows within the same DataFrame in pandas. I've tried running a = pd.DataFrame(data = [[1,2],[3,4]], index=…

python pandas dataframe rows swap
Hide row with specific cell value DataGridView C#

I'm having trouble hiding rows with 0 value in DataGridView. foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.taggGrid.Rows) { if (Convert.ToString(row.…

datagridview hide rows
How to get row index number for particular name(s)?

How can one determine the row index-numbers corresponding to particular row names? I have a vector of row names, and …

r rows rowname
Matlab - building a matrix by merging the same raw vector multiple times

Is there a matlab function which allows me to do the following operation? x = [1 2 2 3]; and then based on x I …

matlab matrix rows repeat tiling
Devexpress gridcontrol change selected row color

I'm using FormatConditions to format certain rows based on their properties. E.g. I have a gridcontrol with many rows …

colors devexpress rows selected gridcontrol
iOS rainbow colors array

I am setting up an array that has a transition throughout he colors of the rainbow. Right now I've just …

objective-c ios arrays rows