Top "Routing" questions

Questions about mapping URLs to Controllers and Actions.

ASP.NET MVC, Url Routing: Maximum Path (URL) Length

The Scenario I have an application where we took the good old query string URL structure: ?x=1&y=2&… iis url routing
Using HTML anchor link #id in Angular 6

I am working with Angular 6 project in which I have disabled/removed hash-location-strategy which removes # from URL. due to this …

html angular routing anchor hash-location-strategy
HAProxy - URL Based routing with load balancing

I am new to HAProxy and I have a question about HAProxy configuration which helps me make a key decision …

configuration routing haproxy
Laravel 4 All Routes Except Home Result in 404 Error

I installed Laravel 4 using Composer and also set up a virtual host. Currently, only the root route is working: <?…

laravel laravel-4 routing http-status-code-404 laravel-routing
on html.actionlink click go to previous page

Currently in a link Customer/businessunit/RepresentativeDetails?RepresentativeId=cd3a7263-78f7-41bd-9eb0-12b30bc1059a I … routing html.actionlink
ASP.NET MVC Default route?

I created a new ASP.NET MVC project and implemented a site authorization filter. When I map the routes to … routing
How do I route a URL with a querystring in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm trying to setup a custom route in MVC to take a URL from another system in the following format: ../… routing
Accessing the query string in ASP.Net Web Api?

I'm using the default template generated by Web Api. I'm working with the Get() Part: // GET api/values …

routing query-string
How do I remove the Devise route to sign up?

I'm using Devise in a Rails 3 app, but in this case, a user must be created by an existing user, …

ruby-on-rails-3 routing devise
How do I do geocoding and routing with OpenStreetMap?

Because Google Maps API is not available in Israel (see here) I want to use OpenStreetMap. I'm confused by all …

api routing geocode openstreetmap