Top "Rotation" questions

A rotation is a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation.

Losing data when rotate screen

I have a little funny bug in my application. When the user rotates the screen I lose some of the …

android android-activity rotation
Calculate Bounding box coordinates from a rotated rectangle

I have the coordinates of the top left point of a rectangle as well as its width, height and rotation …

actionscript-3 math geometry rotation bounding-box
How to disable rotating to landscape mode?

I tried this. Could not find configChanges in manifest file. Anyways, how to disable rotation of screen(to landscape mode)? &…

android rotation screen
OpenGL rotating a camera around a point

In OpenGL I'm trying to rotate a camera around a point, with camera being distance r from the point and …

opengl camera rotation 3d
Rotate UIView around its center keeping its size

I'm trying to rotate an UIView a few radians but after applying the transformation it doesn't look to be keeping …

ios objective-c uiview rotation
Rotate image around center css3

I'm trying to spin a world around its center - but cant seem to rotate it the correct way (around …

css rotation center
Tetris Piece Rotation Algorithm

What are the best algorithms (and explanations) for representing and rotating the pieces of a tetris game? I always find …

algorithm rotation tetris
How to avoid restarting activity when orientation changes on Android

I am creating an Android app in which I'm drawing a view on a canvas. When the device's orientation changes, …

android rotation screen
Rotate image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees

I need to rotate an image by either 90, 180 or 270 degrees. In OpenCV4Android I can use: Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(new …

opencv rotation
React Native: How do you animate the rotation of an Image?

Rotation is a style transform and in RN, you can rotate things like this render() { return ( <View style={{transform:[{…

javascript react-native animation rotation transform