Top "Rotateanimation" questions

Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of visuals in order to create an illusion of movement or change.

Why doesn't setVisibility work after a view is animated?

Why doesn't the textView become invisible? Here is my layout xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:…

android animation rotation visibility rotateanimation
Android:Translation and Rotation Animation simultaneously

I want to show two animation simultaneously programatically not in XML file.It should ROTATE and TRANSLATE how can I …

animation android-2.1-eclair rotateanimation translate-animation
Rotate ImageView in Android around a fixed point using RotateAnimation

I'd like to rotate an image 360 degrees continuously around a fixed point. I've seen a few examples already such as: …

android rotation imageview fixed-point rotateanimation