Top "Rootviewcontroller" questions

Changing root view controller of a iOS Window

Is the root view controller of a iOS Window usually initialized once in the beginning to a tab bar controller …

ios rootviewcontroller
How can I get the rootViewController of UINavigationController

I want to get the rootViewController of UINavigationController. It works in Objective-c, but when I use it in Swift , the …

ios swift rootviewcontroller
iOS 13: Swift - 'Set application root view controller programmatically' does not work

I have following code in my AppDelegate.swift to setup root view controller for an iOS application. But it does …

ios swift appdelegate ios13 rootviewcontroller
How do I remove a no longer needed view controller?

I am using my app delegate to transition between view controllers. When the delegate decides it no longer needs the …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch rootviewcontroller
How to set Root View Controller programatically in Objective C?

I am a newbie in iOS Development trying to learn how to create and set views programmatically. i am trying …

ios objective-c rootviewcontroller
What is rootViewController & when do I use it?

while integrating a payment gateway in my iOS app, I used rootViewController property as below: UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" …

ios iphone appdelegate rootviewcontroller