No I am not asking you to teach me hacking, I am just curious about this file and its content.
When I dived into the new HTML5 Boilerplate I came accross the humans.txt. I googled for it and I came at this site
Immediately my attention went to this picture:
Do I read this correctly? Hackers.txt
So I resumed my journey in google and stopped at this articles
When I started reading this I had the feeling that its about the difference between Hackers and Crackers. Later I got the feeling that I'm might be wrong and that this place is that this hackers.txt file is a sort of guestbook for hackers?
Also other examples about hackers.txt files I found here
Some files contain code, others have just hurtfull information.
Now I'm realy confused, guestbook, hack tutorials or just history?
What is the use of this hackers.txt file?
The way I see things:
contains information and instructions for robots (so it should be read/used by web crawlers, spiders and other kind of bots)humans.txt
contains useful information to be consumed by humans, according to
should be targeted towards hackers, so it should contain any information the site owner might want to transmit to a hacker, as Ze'ev pointed out. I don't think this should be a place for hackers to write anything, but rather to get information from the site owner (perhaps on how to report vulnerabilities, as others suggested).