Top "Richfaces" questions

RichFaces was a component library for JSF and an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities into business applications.

How to create a composite component for a datatable column?

Given this datatable (naturally working): <rich:dataTable var="var" value="#{values}"> <rich:column> <f:facet …

jsf datatable richfaces composite-component
javax.faces.FacesException: Error decode resource data while loading JSF page

I am getting the below mentioned error while loading the JSF page. The page gets loaded successfully and the desired …

jsf-2 jboss richfaces
Could not complete the operation due to error c00ce56e

I've upgraded from rich faces 3.3 to rich faces 4.2 because ajax didn't work for IE9. Now it still not works. After …

java ajax jsf-2 richfaces internet-explorer-9
JSF/RichFaces: conditional text styling

I have a string which can be yes or no, instantiated in an object in a Java backing bean. I …

java jsf richfaces
Richfaces 3 how to make datascroller do true pagination

I'm trying to figure out how to do true pagination with richfaces datascroller. Currently my query pulls all of the …

java jsf richfaces jsf-1.2
Richfaces 4 a4j:commandLink action not firing in rich:popupPanel

I seem to be having a problem where I have an a4j:commandLink on a rich:popupPanel but the …

jsf-2 richfaces cdi jboss-weld commandlink
How to dynamically pass arguments to messages in the resource bundle

I would like to retrieve the message information from the i18n bundle ( in seam), but I am …

jsf internationalization seam richfaces resourcebundle
How to conditionally invoke a4j:commandButton oncomplete script depending on action outcome

I have a <a4j:commandButton action="#{myBean.doCalculation}" oncomplete="redirectBrowser()" /> However, if there is an error at …

jsf richfaces ajax4jsf
Icesfaces vs Myfaces vs Primefaces

I am starting out a new project that involves the use of JSF 2.0. From my initial reading, the Mojarra and …

jsf-2 richfaces primefaces icefaces myfaces
RichFaces: Displaying a notification "popup" when AJAX operation succeeded

We are currently developing a B2B web shop based on Java EE 5, JSF, Facelets and RichFaces. The technology has …

ajax jsf richfaces effect ajax4jsf