Top "Richfaces" questions

RichFaces was a component library for JSF and an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities into business applications.

how to rerender a4j:commandLink after the action has been completed

i have a very simple code here: <a4j:commandLink action="#{ticketAboxEventHelper.removeAboxTicket(ticketAbox)}" onclick="if(!confirm('Are you …

jsf richfaces jsf-1.2 seam2
Extend h:outputText for custom functionality

I have been using JSF + RF for over 2 years and have'nt had a chance to extend the existing capabilities of …

jsf richfaces jstl jsf-1.2
Dynamic columns with richfaces 4

I need dynamic number of columns. Richfaces supplies it with <rich:columns> in richfaces 3.3.3-final but for Richfaces 4 …

jsf-2 richfaces servlet-3.0
a4j:support within a rich:modalPanel

I've hit a wall. I know the a4j and rich tags pretty well (I use Seam 2.2.0 and Richfaces 3.3.1). However, …

ajax richfaces seam modal-dialog ajax4jsf