Top "Rgooglemaps" questions

RgoogleMaps is R packages with two purposes: It provides an R interface to query the Google server for static maps and also can be used as a background image to overlay plots within R.

Get Map with specified boundary coordinates

I want to get a map with RgoogleMaps from R, with a specific coordinates boundary. What I can call is …

r google-maps ggplot2 ggmap rgooglemaps
Error in readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE) : cannot open the connection

The 'mow.R' now contains: library(RgoogleMaps); png(filename="RgoogleMaps-package_%03d_med.png", width=480, height=480); MyMap <- GetMap(markers=…

linux r rgooglemaps
Converting UTM's to Lat/Long in R

I have a .csv file of 9,000+ UTM coordinates that I would like to convert into decimal degrees and I am …

r latitude-longitude utm rgooglemaps