Top "Reveal.js" questions


reveal.js how to add an image to a slide

I am trying to use reveal.js for my presentation. I tried to add an image to my slide but …

How to position a background image in reveal.js?

I want to have a background image on the right hand side of one slide in a reveal.js presentation. …

css background-image reveal.js
Hide reveal.js fragments after their appearance

Say I have a simple reveal.js slide like this: <section> <h2 class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1">first&…

D3.js code in Reveal.js slide

I'm trying to make D3.js work on Reveal.js slides, but I can't get it to run even the …

javascript d3.js reveal.js
syntax highlighting code in Reveal.js how to?

I cloned reveal.js's git repo, copied the js,css,plugin and lib directories to /my-home-dir/ and created a sample …

javascript syntax-highlighting reveal.js
How to convert R reveal.js presentation to pdf?

I made a presentation in R, using one of the reveal.js templates (using revealjs R package). By default, its …

r pdf rstudio r-markdown reveal.js
How to use server side speaker notes of reveal.js

I want to use the server side speaker notes of reveal.js so that I can use other devices to …

node.js npm reveal.js
How to modify reveal.js slide settings in a ipython/jupyter notebook

I'm writing reveal.js slides using the jupyter/iPython notebook. I would like to change some of the default settings …

javascript ipython ipython-notebook reveal.js jupyter
How can I make Reveal.js work with a presenter remote?

I'm loving Reveal.js so far. One issue I have, though, is that my wireless presentation remote is, as is …
