Top "Retaincount" questions

-retainCount is a commonly misused method related to memory management of objects in the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks.

When to use -retainCount?

I would like to know in what situation did you use -retainCount so far, and eventually the problems that can …

objective-c memory-management retaincount
What is retainCount in Objective-C?

I have a UITableView as my first screen with a UINavigation controller. In my first screen I NSLog(@"Home Screen …

objective-c cocoa-touch retaincount
How to check the retain count while debugging

Does anybody know how can I check the retain count of an object while in debug mode? I have tried …

iphone objective-c ios debugging retaincount
does addSubview increment retain count?

I've tested it and it looks like it does. So my question is, does it ALWAYS increment the retain count. …

iphone release retaincount