REST (Representational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web.
I have been discussing the best way of doing this with one of my colleagues Here's an example scenario: I'm …
rest restful-authentication restful-url restful-architectureI'm new to server side web development and recently I've been reading a lot about implementing RESTful API's. One aspect …
api rest uri restful-url restful-architectureConsider the following relationship between two resources College has many Faculties Faculty belong to a College Obviously a Faculty is …
rest restful-architecture apiblueprintThe HTTP/1.1 standard states that if a POST operation results in the creation of a resource, then the response should …
rest http http-status-codes restful-url restful-architectureGiven the requirement other departments have for our REST API they would like to use POST not just for CREATE …
rest http restful-url restful-architectureDoes somebody know which HTTP status code is the right one for the following situation? An anonymous client can request …
http rest http-status-codes restful-architectureI have 2 servers in place, one is responsible for the front-end application and the user authentication. This server is rendering …
api security rest restful-authentication restful-architectureI am developing a generic REST API for my projects and I'm wondering what to do when I have a …
rest restful-architecture api-design