Top "Restful-architecture" questions

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web.

RESTful API without ID in the URL

I have been discussing the best way of doing this with one of my colleagues Here's an example scenario: I'm …

rest restful-authentication restful-url restful-architecture
How to structure REST resource hierarchy?

I'm new to server side web development and recently I've been reading a lot about implementing RESTful API's. One aspect …

api rest uri restful-url restful-architecture
Exposing RESTful endpoints for a one to many relationships

Consider the following relationship between two resources College has many Faculties Faculty belong to a College Obviously a Faculty is …

rest restful-architecture apiblueprint
HTTP POST response Location header when creating multiple resources

The HTTP/1.1 standard states that if a POST operation results in the creation of a resource, then the response should …

rest http http-status-codes restful-url restful-architecture
Do I violate RESTfulness when using POST as UPDATE OR CREATE

Given the requirement other departments have for our REST API they would like to use POST not just for CREATE …

rest http restful-url restful-architecture
HTTP status code when single request asks for too large resource or too many of them

Does somebody know which HTTP status code is the right one for the following situation? An anonymous client can request …

http rest http-status-codes restful-architecture
How to secure a REST api between a single page app and a server?

I have 2 servers in place, one is responsible for the front-end application and the user authentication. This server is rendering …

api security rest restful-authentication restful-architecture
REST API URI for resource with multiple primary keys

I am developing a generic REST API for my projects and I'm wondering what to do when I have a …

rest restful-architecture api-design