Top "Resteasy" questions

A JBoss project that provides various frameworks to help build RESTful web services and Java applications

Passing indefinite Query Parameters with RESTful URL and reading them in RESTEasy

I have a requirement to design a RESTful Service using RESTEasy. Clients can call this common service with any number …

resteasy url-parameters
enabling auto scanning using resteasy 3.0.10 with wildfly 8.2

I am trying to figure out what is my problem while setting up new Wildfly 8.2 server with simple restEasy 3.0.10 application. …

java maven jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8
Is there a way to use JAX-RS annotated interface with Jersey as the client?

Given that I have an interface which represents my RESET service using public interface BookResource { @GET @Path("/book/isbn/{isbn}/") @…

java rest jersey jax-rs resteasy
Multiple endpoints with Resteasy

I have two separate handfuls of REST services in one application. Let's say a main "people" service and a secondary "…

java spring rest jax-rs resteasy
What is the equivalent of @Context UriInfo in Spring Rest

I have worked in Jersey and RESTEasy framework earlier and now we will be using Spring Rest for a new …

spring-mvc jersey jax-rs resteasy spring-rest
jboss 6.3.0: decent way to remove resteasy and use jersey

I am using jersey. this is my jboss-deployment-structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2"&…

jersey resteasy jboss6.x
Resteasy @FormParam returns always null

Can anyone please help me with this. I created a web service using resteasy with wildfly 8.1.0 but @FormParam always returns …

jakarta-ee jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8
Using JAX-RS (RESTEasy) with CDI (Weld) in Tomcat 7

In a JSF 2.0 application (running on Tomcat 7 and using weld 1.1.1.Final), I want to propose my user to download some …

jax-rs resteasy cdi tomcat7 jboss-weld
How to make Spring Security application to run behind a proxy?

We have an application build on Java 1.6 with Spring 3.0.3 that use Spring Security 3.0.5 and implements REST API using Spring Web …

java spring spring-security resteasy
Intercepting based on HTTP header in RESTeasy

I am developing REST services with two types. before login no session token will be passed to HTTP header. after …

java rest jax-rs resteasy