Top "Response" questions

A response is a general term for a message which is sent as an answer for previously made request.

How to add encoding information to the response stream in ASP.NET?

I have following piece of code: public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/rtf; charset=UTF-8"; context.Response.… encoding response response.write
How do I capture a "response end" event in node.js+express?

I'd like to write an express middleware function that sets up a listener on the response's 'end' event, if one …

events node.js express response
JAX/Jersey Custom error code in Response

In Jersey, how can we 'replace' the status string associated with a known status code? e.g. return Response.status(401).…

java http jersey response
How to conditionally modify Apache response header 'Location'

I need to be able to test the URL string in a Location response header for a certain pattern and …

apache header response mod-headers
IE9 script response blocked due to mime type mismatch

I use the following code snippet to load data from google fusion table as json. var fileref = document.createElement("script"); …

types response internet-explorer-9 mime
Design pattern to handle an asynchronous response in Java

I read answers from similar Q&A How do you create an asynchronous HTTP request in JAVA? | Asynchronous programming …

java asynchronous request response
What is the point of jQuery ajax accepts attrib? Does it actually do anything?

Spent a solid hour trying to sort out why on earth this (coffeescript) $.ajax accepts: "application/json; charset=utf-8" did …

jquery types header set response
reading JSON response as string using jersey client

I am using jersey client to post a file to a REST URI that returns response as json. My requirement …

json string jersey response
Create http.Response instance with sample body string in golang

I am willing to create a sample http.Response instance in golang with a sample body string. Problem is, its …

http go response