Top "Resources" questions

Assets (like memory, disk space, CPU power or alike) necessary for effective operation or physical files (like images, configuration files or other) to provide some externalized enrichment to an application.

Using Resources Folder in Unity

I have am developing a HoloLens project that needs to reference .txt files. I have the files stored in Unity's …

c# unity3d resources assets hololens
symlinking tomcat 8 directory resources

I would like to symlink JSP directories under Tomcat 8. It worked as well in Tomcat 7 on this way: <Context …

resources tomcat8 contextpath
WPF: Referencing app-wide resources in code-behind

I have made my own custom converter which given a string returns a Brush. Now I'm able to return constant …

c# wpf resources code-behind
How should I use getResource() in Java?

This question is asked in numerous places, with myriad small variations. (Such as Java - getClassLoader().getResource() driving me bonkers …

java resources locate getresource
App.xaml file does not get parsed if my app does not set a StartupUri?

Background: I'm creating a WPF app using MVVM, and using a DI container to build my ViewModels My App.xaml …

wpf xaml resources startup
Source for simple programs in Brainfuck?

Is there a source where I can get multiple simple programs like addition, factorial, fibonacci and others for the brainfuck …

resources brainfuck
Combining Assetic Resources across inherited templates

We are building a new site using Symfony2, and Assetic looks very promising for resource management, in particular for combining …

templates resources symfony twig assetic
How to use path variable instead of request parameter with AngularJS $resource

There is probably an easy way to do this but I can't seem to find out how. When I click …

rest resources angularjs path-variables
ResourceManager.GetString() method returns wrong string from different assemblies

I have 2 resource files, one with english and another foreign. When I call ResourceManager.GetString("Hello") from the .Designer.cs …

c# resources resourcemanager
Android Resources converting to string TypedValue warning

Ok I'm looking right past something here.. Every time I'm in my app and I change activities, logcat reports series …

android resources