Top "Resharper" questions

ReSharper is a refactoring and productivity extension by JetBrains that extends native functionality of Microsoft Visual Studio versions since 2003.

Code Cleanup - tool to move all using statements inside namespace in all cs files in my solution?

After writing a whole bunch of code - i am finally waking up to adding CA and StyleCop to my …

c# .net visual-studio-2010 resharper stylecop
Extract method to already existing interface with ReSharper

I'm adding a new method to a class that implements an interface, and I like to use the "Extract Interface" …

c# refactoring resharper
ReSharper: setting C# language level for Solution

Further to this question, I have lots of projects inside a solution and I dont want to create a dotsettings …

resharper visual-studio-2015 c#-5.0 c#-6.0 resharper-9.0
Resharper vs. Coderush - 2010 remake

Refer to this post for discussions on previous versions. Asking the question again since Visual Studio 2010 has been officially released. …

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio resharper coderush
Why does ReSharper suggest that I make type parameter T contravariant?

ReSharper suggests me to make type parameter T contravariant by changing this: interface IBusinessValidator<T> where T: IEntity { …

c# resharper contravariance
ReSharper - Possible Null Assignment when using Microsoft.Contracts

Is there any way to indicate to ReSharper that a null reference won't occur because of Design-by-Contract Requires checking? For …

c# resharper code-contracts design-by-contract microsoft-contracts
Can ReSharper 7.x be used with VS2013 preview?

Can ReSharper 7.x be configured to work with Visual Studio 2013 preview? The preview version doesn't appear to allow it by …

visual-studio resharper visual-studio-2013
When would SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() return null?

When using calling the SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() method, ReSharper tells me I have a possible NullReference exception when I use the …

.net resharper nullreferenceexception sqlcommand
ReSharper and auto closing parentheses

Is there a way to avoid closing the following parentheses: String.Format(), or Console.WriteLine() automatically? Sometimes is this is …

visual-studio resharper resharper-5.0
StyleCop vs ReSharper and general coding-style questions

Just found StyleCop, looks like something worth using for my projects. Then I found out you could use it with … coding-style resharper stylecop