Top "Requirejs" questions

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.

Best way to organize jQuery/JavaScript code (2013)

The Problem This answer has been answered before but are old and not up to date. I have over 2000 lines …

javascript jquery design-patterns backbone.js requirejs
RequireJS - What is the purpose of the "exports" property in shim

What is the purpose of the "exports" property in the shim below? Is it really required? requirejs.config({ shim: { 'backbone': { …

Correct way to implement jQuery with require.js

I am using the current stable release of both require.js and jQuery and I am currently including jQuery like …

javascript jquery requirejs amd
Why use, prop) instead of myObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)?

If I understand correctly, each and every object in JavaScript inherits from the Object prototype, which means that each and …

javascript requirejs prototypal-inheritance hasownproperty
Intermittent "Looking up elements via selectors is not supported by jqLite!" when loading AngularJS with RequireJS

I load AngularJS through RequireJS. Most of the time there is no problem but once in a while I get …

javascript angularjs requirejs
Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()?

I am using RequireJS and need to initialize something on DOM ready. Now, RequireJS provides the domReady plugin, but we …

javascript jquery html requirejs document-ready
Getting requirejs to work with Jasmine

I first want to say that I am new to RequireJS and even newer to Jasmine. I am having some …

javascript unit-testing requirejs bdd jasmine
karma error 'There is no timestamp for'

Trying to get karma working with requirejs. I don't understand why I am getting all of these errors when running …

requirejs karma-runner
Bootstrap 4 error "Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js", with Aurelia CLI and Require.js

I'm having trouble configuring Bootstrap 4 beta in an Aurelia CLI app (v0.31.1) with requirejs and using TypeScript. After having tried …

typescript requirejs bootstrap-4 aurelia
How to load Google Maps API with RequireJS?

I am struggling to load gmaps api with requireJS . This is what I've tried: requirejs.config({ urlArgs: "noCache=" + (new Date).…

google-maps-api-3 requirejs js-amd