Top "Repository" questions

Can refer to the data store of a version control system containing the whole history of a project, or to an object that transfers data between the business layer of an application and its data store.

What is an easy Mylyn task repository to use for a small (~40 devs) project?

I'm currently the only developer using Eclipse Mylyn integration (I'm the experimental one). I have two repositories configured - Bugzilla, …

eclipse repository ganymede mylyn
Maven Ropository for EWSJavaAPI_1.2.jar

i work on a project where i use the EWS Java Api to connect to an MS Exchange Server. To …

java maven repository exchangewebservices ewsjavaapi
Is there a tool to create repo manifest file with SHA based on current work directory?

I'm using repo, which is used by Android project, to manage my project. Is there a tool to create repo …

android python git repository repo
Is there a central FreePascal/Lazarus Component repository?

I'm looking to find something like Torry but instead of being Delphi centric, it should be Lazarus centric. I'm aware …

repository components lazarus freepascal
Retrieve missing files from remote repo?

I accidentally deleted a few files from my local git repo. I have not pushed this change to the remote. …

git repository git-remote
Bower mirror repository

Using Maven, you get Maven repositories. Tools like Nexus ou Artifactory have the ability to mirror (or proxy) remote repositories …

javascript dependencies repository nexus bower
Using View-Models with Repository pattern

I'm using Domain driven N-layered application architecture with EF code first in my recent project, I defined my Repository contracts, …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first repository viewmodel
GitKraken is not showing repo I am a contributer to

I am using GitKraken to manage my repositories from github, and I am able to see and clone repositories I …

git github repository gitkraken
The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working on this transaction

I am getting error as : An error was reported while committing a database transaction but it could not be determined …

c# transactions repository entity-framework-6 unit-of-work
git-shell - New repositories

I have a server with a dedicated git user and repositories I'm trying to use the git-shell method to allow …

git repository git-shell