Can refer to the data store of a version control system containing the whole history of a project, or to an object that transfers data between the business layer of an application and its data store.
I have create a webhook in my github repository which post on the hook url on my live server to …
php git github repository shell-execI am not sure that if it is correct to commit and push the changes in the package.JSON file …
npm dependencies repository git-commit package.jsonis there a way to use the findAll() function with conditions? I want to do something like ->findAll(…
symfony repository entitymanager findallI recently tried to setup git repo on a linux box and wasted about 10 hours with absolutely no results. There …
git repository publicShould we have one single repository for all the company, which contains many development projects, or a repository per project? …
svn repositoryI have a repository on bitbucket that contains three branches. I'm able to list the remote branches using a good …
git repository bitbucket git-branch remote-branchI'm creating my first N-Tier MVC application and I've run into a road block with how to manage multiple DbContexts …
c# entity-framework-4.1 repository dbcontext unit-of-workI am trying to install packages (devtools, plyr and several others) and keep getting stuck with the same problem, which …
r repository cran doesn't know current versions in many cases, is a bit more up to date but doesn't …
java maven-2 repository search-engineI have set my own private yum repo. This is an HTTP base repo with a Apache as a web …
repository basic-authentication yum