Can refer to the data store of a version control system containing the whole history of a project, or to an object that transfers data between the business layer of an application and its data store.
In a repository A the folder sub is included as git subtree of the repository S - pointing to master …
git merge repository git-subtreeAccording to MSDN, DbContext is defined as: Represents a combination of the Unit-Of-Work and Repository patterns and enables you to …
.net entity-framework repository unit-of-workI've been trying to figure this out for days but there seems to be very little info on this particular … repository dto unit-of-work n-tier-architectureRealize this may sound like a broad question - so let me clarify. I have a Repository exposed via an …
c# unit-testing entity-framework repository crudI normally use the following git command to cherryppick a range of how do I exclude a couple …
git github gerrit repositoryOkay. I used svn's hotcopy to make incremental back-ups, now how do I test that the hotcopies will work properly? …
svn repository recoveryI need to replace a directory in my SVN repository on the production server, but am not sure of the …
svn replace directory repository working-copySince a week I use ToirtoiseSVN and AnkhSVN and GoogleCode and as my project hosting. For me it's …
svn repository project-hostingI am currently using TortoiseSVN to manage a couple of the projects that I have on the go at the …
svn version-control tortoisesvn repositoryI am developing a web application using MVC4 with Entity framework 5. I have created generic repository for accessing database with …
entity-framework generics repository unit-of-work