Top "Git-subtree" questions

An alternative to the git-submodule command.

How do you merge two Git repositories?

Consider the following scenario: I have developed a small experimental project A in its own Git repo. It has now …

git merge repository git-subtree
Detach (move) subdirectory into separate Git repository

I have a Git repository which contains a number of subdirectories. Now I have found that one of the subdirectories …

git git-subtree git-filter-branch
Merge two Git repositories without breaking file history

I need to merge two Git repositories into a brand new, third repository. I've found many descriptions of how to …

git git-subtree
Differences between git submodule and subtree

What are the conceptual differences between using git submodule and subtree? What are the typical scenarios for each?

git git-submodules git-subtree
When to use git subtree?

What problem does git subtree solve? When and why should I use that feature? I've read that it is used …

git git-subtree
How to remove previously added git subtree and its history

Many moons ago I added a subtree to my git repository. This subtree included several folders and files. I added …

git git-subtree
Why can't I push this up-to-date Git subtree?

I am using Git subtree with a couple of projects that I am working on, in order to share some …

git git-subtree
How can I list the git subtrees on the root?

For example, you can do a git remote --verbose and git will show all the remotes you have on your …

git git-subtree
Alternatives to Git Submodules?

I feel that using Git submodules is somehow troublesome for my development workflow. I've heard about Git subtree and Gitslave. …

git-submodules git-subtree git-repo git-subrepo git-slave
git-subtree: Push changes from an cloned repo

I'm using git-subtree(from Avery Pennarun). In my current git repo I have of course all my project files/folders …

git git-subtree