Top "Report-builder2.0" questions

for non version related use [reportbuilder] tag, Use this tag for specific question on version 2 of SQL Server Report Builder

SSRS - Adding "LIKE" filter criteria to report builder

I want to add a LIKE filters with wildcards in SSRS report builder. I tried this using contains clause present …

sql-server reporting-services report-builder2.0
Count rows of a filtered tablix in SSRS

I want to show row count of my filtered tablix in a text-box inside my SSRS report header. I googled …

ssrs-2008 reporting-services report-builder2.0
In SSRS, how do I compare a value of a parent report item with report items in a child group?

I am using SSRS 2008. I have 3 different groups above my report details that are calculated sums. I am trying to …

reporting-services ssrs-2008 reportingservices-2005 report-builder2.0
Querying with multiple value parameter in SQL Server Report Builder

I am basically trying to do what is asked in this question: Passing multiple values for a single parameter in …

reportbuilder report-builder2.0