Regression analysis is a collection of statistical techniques for modeling and predicting one or multiple variables based on other data.
Prior to posting I did a lot of searches and found this question which might be exactly my problem. However, …
python regression gaussianI'm following this first example in statsmodels tutorial: How do I specify not to use …
python numpy regression statsmodels patsyI got a question that I fight around for days with now. How do I calculate the (95%) confidence band of …
python statistics regression confidence-intervalA few years ago, a poster asked how to add regression line equation and R2 on ggplot graphs at the …
r ggplot2 regression ggpmiscI'm trying to perform a Difference in Differences (with panel data and fixed effects) analysis using Python and Pandas. I …
python pandas regression least-squares panel-dataFirst there are questions on this forum very similar to this one but trust me none matches so no duplicating …
machine-learning scikit-learn regression python-3.5 sklearn-pandasI am having trouble making a regression tree in R. I have a data frame with 17 attributes library(rpart) rt.…
r regression rpartThe leastsq method in scipy lib fits a curve to some data. And this method implies that in this data …
python scipy regression least-squaresI would like to know how to constrain certain parameters in lm() to have positive coefficients. There are a few …
r regression linear-regression glm lmI have a regression model with binary outcome. I fitted the model with glmnet and got the selected variables and …
r statistics regression glm glmnet