Top "Regexp-substr" questions

Oracle function that extends the functionality of the SUBSTR function by allowing searching a string for a regular expression pattern.

Split string by space and character as delimiter in Oracle with regexp_substr

I'm trying to split a string with regexp_subtr, but i can't make it work. So, first, i have this …

sql regex oracle string-split regexp-substr
How can I use regex to split a string, using a string as a delimiter?

I'm trying to split a string using a string as a delimiter, in an Oracle store procedure. I can use …

regex oracle regexp-substr
How to extract a substring pattern in Postgresql

I have a column with a lot of inconsistent strings. Some of them contain a substring with a consistent pattern …

regex postgresql substring regexp-substr
Retrieving first X words from a string in Oracle Select

I need to select the first X words in a string, where x can be any number from 0-100. Is …

oracle regexp-replace regexp-substr
How to split a CLOB object using , and : delimiter in Oracle into multiple records

I have a CLOB object sample as shown below. I want to first split this by using delimiter "," and save …

regex oracle substr oracle12c regexp-substr
Convert "regexp_substr" (Oracle ) to PostgreSQL

I have the query In Oracle SQL: select town_name, regexp_substr(town_name, '[^A,]+', 1, 1) as c1, regexp_…

oracle postgresql rownum regexp-substr