I am looking for a way to remove several special characters from filenames via a powershell script.
My filenames look like this:
I have been puzzling over removing the [] and everything between them, the () and everything between those, and removing all the _'s as well, with the desired result being a filename that looks like this:
first day of month 01.txt
Thus far, I have tried the below solution to no avail. I have run each of these from the directory in which the files reside.
Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.mkv | %{
$Name = $_.Name
$NewName = $Name -Replace "(\s*)\(.*\)",''
$NewName2 = $NewName -Replace "[\s*]\[.*\]",''
$NewName3 = $NewName2 -Replace "_",' '
Rename-Item -Path $_ -NewName $NewName3
Since it does not work even if I try and do one set at a time like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.mkv | %{
$Name = $_.Name
$NewName = $Name -Replace "(\s*)\(.*\)",''
Rename-Item -Path $_ -NewName $NewName
I assume there is an inherent flaw in the way I am trying to accomplish this task. That being said, I would prefer to use the Rename-Item cmdlet rather than using a move-item solution.
gci *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName {$_ -replace '_*(\[.*?\]|\(.*?\))_*' -replace '_+', ' '}
The rename is a regex which matches [text]
or (text)
blocks and replaces them with nothing. Parentheses and brackets need escaping in regexes to match them literally. It matches them with optional leading or trailing underscores to get [Report]_
or _[repnbr1]
because it would leave _
at the start or end of the name and they would become leading/trailing spaces, which is annoying. Then it replaces remaining underscores with spaces.
See the regex working here: Regex101