Top "Character-replacement" questions

How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript?

I have a string, let's say Hello world and I need to replace the char at index 3. How can I …

javascript string replace character-replacement
How to replace particular character in string with tcl script?

set some_string "Name/is/ComplexSTRUCTUre" convert this string to, some_string = "Name/is/ComplexSTR.CTUre" i.e replacing first "…

string tcl character-replacement
Powershell, replace DOT with SPACE

This works: $string = "This string, has a, lot, of commas in, it." $string -replace ',','' Output: This string …

powershell character-replacement
Show comma in CSV without using the comma character

I have a log in CSV format we write out for a certain logging operation. However, one of the fields …

c# csv character-replacement
Character replacement in strings in VB.NET

How fast can I replace characters in a string? So the background on this question is this: We have a … string character-replacement