Top "Refs" questions

Resilient File System

How I can use refs to change styling class in ReactJS?

I'm trying to change background of a div when color value changes. Here is my function which receives color value: …

javascript css reactjs css-modules refs
React array of refs

i have read in a post on Stackoverflow question about refs that we can use something like the following code …

arrays reactjs refs
Vue - using refs to focus an element target

When span class="before-click" is clicked, I want it hidden, and input class="after-click" show up instead. And the showed …

javascript dom vue.js focus refs
How do I list all remote refs?

Recently I created a PR on GitHub, but some tests were failing. And locally even more tests didn't pass. So …

git github refs
React: Losing ref values

I am using two components and I am using this pattern: child component should stay isolated as much it can …

reactjs refs
React refs do not update between render

So I have this component var LineItemRowsWrapper = React.createClass({ current_lineitem_count: 0, getAjaxData: function(){ var lineitem_data = []; for(var i = 0; …

javascript render reactjs refs
Git command to save a stash without modifying working tree?

I have been wanting to use a git command that saves a stash without modifying my working tree, as a …

git git-stash refs
React - How do I access a function in another component?

My structure is as such: <ParentComponent /> <Child 1 /> <Child 2 /> I have a function in <…

reactjs refs
Best Practice for globals in clojure, (refs vs alter-var-root)?

I've found myself using the following idiom lately in clojure code. (def *some-global-var* (ref {})) (defn get-global-var [] @*global-var*) (defn update-global-var [val] (…

clojure globals refs
what is the alternative for ReactDOM.findDOMNode() as it is deprecated now?

I have an old code which is using findDOMNode(). Here is my code, where someComponent1 and Expand is already imported. …

reactjs ref refs