Top "Referenceerror" questions

Anything related to JavaScript ReferenceError that it is thrown when trying to dereference a variable that has not been declared.

How can I compare a non-existing JavaScript object to undefined without getting a Reference Error?

I want to boolean to come out of this expression (task === undefined); where task is arbitrary and doesn’t appear …

javascript referenceerror
"Foundation - ReferenceError: primordials is not defined when starting a foundation zurb project."

Getting an error when creating a Foundation Zurb project. Tried to solve using the previous suggestions shown for other applications, …

reference gulp zurb-foundation referenceerror
ReferenceError: GM_xmlhttpRequest is not defined

I get a ReferenceError in the following userscript code: // ==UserScript== // @name ... // @namespace ... // @description ... // @include ... // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== console.log(…

javascript greasemonkey referenceerror gm-xmlhttprequest
ZeroClipboard just isn't working

Originally, this post was regarding my attempts to inject ZeroClipboard into web pages by and for use by my Chrome …

javascript google-chrome typeerror zeroclipboard referenceerror
Why is my mocha/chai Error throwing test failing?

I have a simple javascript package I'm trying to test. I want to check for an Error being thrown, but …

javascript mocha.js throw referenceerror chai
Catch a referenceError in js

I have a textarea where user can enter javascript code which upon press of the button would be passed to …

javascript referenceerror
jQuery Waypoints error "notify is not defined"

Yes, I know this probably has nothing to do with waypoints. I'm sorry. I am following this example: http://imakewebthings.…

jquery jquery-waypoints referenceerror
Calling one method from another in a Javascript class

When defining a class in Javascript, how can I call one method from another one? exports.myClass = function () { this.init = …

javascript node.js class methods referenceerror
ReferenceError and the global object

In javascript window is the global object, which means every object in the global scope is a child of window. …

javascript window referenceerror global-object
Uncaught ReferenceError: url is not defined

So I created a an iphone out of pure css and I am trying to make the screen change on …

javascript onclick referenceerror