Top "Refactoring" questions

Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring existing code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.

How do I deal with "signed/unsigned mismatch" warnings (C4018)?

I work with a lot of calculation code written in C++ with high performance and low memory overhead in mind. …

c++ refactoring
Python: avoiding pylint warnings about too many arguments

I want to refactor a big Python function into smaller ones. For example, consider this following code snippet: x = x1 + …

python refactoring pylint
Mongoose - Create document if not exists, otherwise, update- return document in either case

I'm looking for a way to refactor part of my code to be shorter and simpler, but I don't know …

javascript node.js mongoose refactoring
What is refactoring and what is only modifying code?

I know that refactoring is "changing the structure of a program so that the functionality is not changed". I was …

How to quickly implement/override methods in Eclipse?

If I want to override some methods I currently right-click on the class name, select "Source" -> "Override/impl...". …

java eclipse ide refactoring keyboard-shortcuts
How to instantiate spring managed beans at runtime?

I stuck with a simple refactoring from plain java to spring. Application has a "Container" object which instantiates its parts …

java spring dependency-injection refactoring guice
How to avoid a lot of if else conditions

I have read a lot of topics about code refactoring and avoiding of if else statements. Actually, I have a …

java if-statement refactoring
How many constructor arguments is too many?

Let's say you have a class called Customer, which contains the following fields: UserName Email First Name Last Name Let's …

parameters refactoring constructor coding-style
Method can be made static, but should it?

Resharper likes to point out multiple functions per page that could be made static. Does it help me …

c# .net refactoring resharper static-methods
Is there a benefit to using a return statement that returns nothing?

I'm refactoring a large javascript document that I picked up from an open source project. A number of functions use …

javascript refactoring return-value