Top "Reentrancy" questions

Reentrancy usually refers to subroutines, functions, methods and mutexes.

What exactly is a reentrant function?

Most of the times, the definition of reentrance is quoted from Wikipedia: A computer program or routine is described as …

c++ c recursion thread-safety reentrancy
Threadsafe vs re-entrant

Recently, I asked a question, with title as "Is malloc thread safe?", and inside that I asked, "Is malloc re-entrant?" …

c thread-safety reentrancy
What is the difference between Lock and RLock

From the docs: threading.RLock() -- A factory function that returns a new reentrant lock object. A reentrant lock must …

python multithreading locking reentrancy
Stopping timer in its callback method

I have a System.Threading.Timer that calls its appropriate event handler (callback) every 10 ms. The method itself is not …

c# callback timer reentrancy
Why are malloc() and printf() said as non-reentrant?

In UNIX systems we know malloc() is a non-reentrant function (system call). Why is that? Similarly, printf() also is said …

c unix operating-system reentrancy
What is the meaning of "ReentrantLock" in Java?

Reentrancy means that locks are acquired on a per-thread rather than per-invocation basis. Since an intrinsic lock is held by …

java reentrancy
Reentrant lock and deadlock with Java

Can someone explain to me how Reentrant lock and deadlock relate to each other with Java code (pseudo) example?

java locking deadlock reentrancy
Does SemaphoreSlim (.NET) prevent same thread from entering block?

I have read the docs for SemaphoreSlim SemaphoreSlim MSDN which indicates that the SemaphoreSlim will limit a section of code …

c# .net async-await semaphore reentrancy
Writing re-entrant lexer with Flex

I'm newbie to flex. I'm trying to write a simple re-entrant lexer/scanner with flex. The lexer definition goes below. …

thread-safety flex-lexer lexical-analysis reentrancy