How to config redis-cluster when use spring-data-redis 1.7.0.M1

tao xie picture tao xie · Feb 18, 2016 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I use spring-data-redis version 1.7.0.M1,and jedis version 2.8.0 Here is my configuration

<bean id="redisTemplate" class="">
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="redisConnectionFactory"></property>
    <property name="keySerializer">
        <bean class=""/>
    <property name="hashKeySerializer">
        <bean class=""/>
    <property name="valueSerializer">
        <bean class=""/>
    <property name="hashValueSerializer">
        <bean class=""/>

and use 【redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("foo")】 to test

throw the exception

 org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: MOVED 12182; nested exception is redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisMovedDataException: MOVED 12182

How to config redis-cluster when use spring-data-redis 1.7.0.M1?


Christoph Strobl picture Christoph Strobl · Feb 19, 2016

Basically all that is needed is setting the inital collection of cluster nodes in RedisClusterConfiguration and provide that one to JedisConnectionFactory or LettuceConnectionFactory.

class Config {

    List<String> clusterNodes = Arrays.asList("", "", "");

    RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
      return new JedisConnectionFactory(new RedisClusterConfiguration(clusterNodes));

    RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate(RedisConnectionFactory factory) {

      // just used StringRedisTemplate for simplicity here.
      return new StringRedisTemplate(factory);

Spring Boot will provide configuration properties (spring.redis.cluster.nodes, spring.redis.cluster.max-redirects) for working with Redis cluster in the next release. See commit/166a27 for details.

The spring-data-examples repository already contains an example of Spring Data Redis cluster support.