Top "Redirect" questions

A response by a webserver, that asks the user agent to not show the response body, but instead request a different resource.

htaccess redirect to https://www

I have the following htaccess code: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond !{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{…

apache .htaccess mod-rewrite redirect https
.htaccess rewrite to redirect root URL to subdirectory

Trying to get to go directly to I have tried multiple bits of …

.htaccess mod-rewrite redirect
Change URL and redirect using jQuery

I have some code like this, <form id="abc"> <input type="text" id="txt" /> </form&…

javascript jquery url redirect
Redirecting to a relative URL in JavaScript

I have a problem: I want to redirect via JavaScript to a directory above. My code: location.href = (location.href).…

javascript url redirect
How to make a button redirect to another page using jQuery or just Javascript

I am making a prototype and I want the search button to link to a sample search results page. How …

javascript jquery redirect buttonclick
What does HTTP/1.1 302 mean exactly?

Some article I read once said that it means jumping (from one URI to another), but I detected this "302" even …

http redirect http-headers http-status-code-302
Redirecting to URL in Flask

I'm new to Python and Flask and I'm trying to do the equivalent of Response.redirect as in C# - …

python redirect flask
How do you redirect HTTPS to HTTP?

How do you redirect HTTPS to HTTP?. That is, the opposite of what (seemingly) everyone teaches. I have a server …

apache ssl redirect https
Back to previous page with header( "Location: " ); in PHP

The title of this question kind of explains my question. How do I redirect the PHP page visitor back to …

php redirect back
Using DNS to redirect to another URL with a path

I'm trying to redirect a domain to another via DNS. I know that using IN CNAME it's posible. www.proof.…

dns redirect