Top "Recarray" questions

A *rec*ord *array* in the python package numpy - think of as a table with column names.

Sorting a python array/recarray by column

I have a fairly simple question about how to sort an entire array/recarray by a given column. For example, …

python arrays sorting numpy recarray
Convert structured array to regular NumPy array

The answer will be very obvious I think, but I don't see it at the moment. How can I convert …

python numpy recarray
Adding a field to a structured numpy array (2)

I know there was already a question about this topic (cleanest way to add a field to a structured numpy …

python numpy recarray
Index datetime in numpy array

I have a numpy array roughly like so: data array([(datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 6, 2, 30), 17924.0, 0.0),.... (datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 29, 16, 30), 35249.2, 521.25], dtype=[('timestamp', '|O4'), ('x1…

python datetime numpy recarray
numpy: How to add a column to an existing structured array?

I have a starting array such as: [(1, [-112.01268501699997, 40.64249414272372]) (2, [-111.86145708699996, 40.4945008710162])] The first column is an int and the second is a …

python python-2.7 numpy structured-array recarray
numpy recarray strings of variable length

Is it possible to initialise a numpy recarray that will hold strings, without knowing the length of the strings beforehand? …

python numpy recarray
Normalize/Standardize a numpy recarray

I wonder what the best way of normalizing/standardizing a numpy recarray is. To make it clear, I'm not talking …

python numpy scipy normalize recarray