Typescript/React what's the correct type of the parameter for onKeyPress?

Shorn picture Shorn · Sep 28, 2017 · Viewed 19k times · Source

Typescript 2.3.4, react 15.5.4 and react-bootstrap 0.31.0.

I have a FormControl and I want to do something when the user presses enter.

The control:

  onChange={(event: FormEvent<FormControlProps>) =>{
      keyword: event.currentTarget.value as string

What should the definition of the parameter for handleKeywordKeypress be?

I can define it like this:

handleKeywordKeypress= (e: any) =>{
  log.debug("keypress: " + e.nativeEvent.code);

That will be called, and it will print kepress: Enter but what should the type of e be so that I can compare the value against (what?) to tell if Enter was pressed.


Shorn picture Shorn · Sep 29, 2017

This seems to work:

handleKeywordKeyPress = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<FormControl>) =>{
  if( e.key == 'Enter' ){
    if( this.isFormValid() ){

The key(Ha ha) here, for me, was to specify React.KeyboardEvent, rather than KeyboardEvent.

Trolling around the React code, I was seeing definitions like:

type KeyboardEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent<T>>;

But didn't realise that when I was copy/pasting KeyboardEvent as the parameter type for my handler, the compiler was actually picking up the KeyboardEvent which is some kind of default type defined in the Typescript libraries somewhere (rather than the React definition).