How to get an input value using "refs" in react-bootstrap form?

Taras Yaremkiv picture Taras Yaremkiv · Dec 11, 2016 · Viewed 38.3k times · Source

I'm trying to create a form that appears in modal. So when user input a value, that value is stored in local storage. Here's a picture that help's you to understand what I mean:
enter image description here Here is the code of the form:

function FieldGroup({id, label, help, ...props}) {
    return (
        <ReactBootstrap.FormGroup controlId={id}>
            <ReactBootstrap.FormControl {...props} />
            {help && <ReactBootstrap.HelpBlock>{help}</ReactBootstrap.HelpBlock>}

const formInstance = (
            placeholder="Recipe Name"
            inputRef={ref => { this.input = ref; }}
        <ReactBootstrap.FormGroup controlId="formControlsTextarea">
            <ReactBootstrap.FormControl componentClass="textarea" placeholder="Enter Ingredients" />

As I've read in bootstrap React tutorial, I should add
<FormControl inputRef={ref => { this.input = ref; }} /> to the FormControl props. But after adding it I get an error when modal form is invoked:

`enter image description here


Eugene Kulakov picture Eugene Kulakov · Dec 13, 2016

I just made this issue. My code:

    placeholder="Enter recipe title"
    inputRef={(ref) => {this.input = ref}}

And then you can get the value from <FormControl> in some handler like this:


Details can be found in my repo: