React Native Download image from url and save in Gallery

Gurbela picture Gurbela · Oct 12, 2019 · Viewed 10k times · Source

I want download image from URL and save in the Gallery.

This source works well on Android, but not iOS.

import RNFetchBlob from "rn-fetch-blob";

let imgUrl = ''

let newImgUri = imgUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
let imageName = imgUrl.substring(newImgUri);

let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
let path = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? dirs['MainBundleDir'] + imageName : dirs.PictureDir + imageName;

     fileCache: true,
     appendExt: 'png',
     indicator: true,
     IOSBackgroundTask: true,
     path: path,
     addAndroidDownloads: {
         useDownloadManager: true,
         notification: true,
         path: path,
         description: 'Image'

     }).fetch("GET", imgUrl).then(res => { 
            console.log(res, 'end downloaded') 

witch one Permissions I needs for iOS, to save Photo in the Gallery?


Mohsin Riaz picture Mohsin Riaz · Oct 12, 2019

For iOS you there is no need to use fetch-blob and download it. you need to use CameraRoll from react-native and call saveToCameraRoll()

import RNFetchBlob from "rn-fetch-blob";
import { CameraRoll, Platform } from "react-native";

let imgUrl = ''

let newImgUri = imgUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
let imageName = imgUrl.substring(newImgUri);

let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
let path = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? dirs['MainBundleDir'] + imageName : dirs.PictureDir + imageName;

saveToGallery = () => {
  if (Platform.OS == 'android') {

      fileCache: true,
      appendExt: 'png',
      indicator: true,
      IOSBackgroundTask: true,
      path: path,
      addAndroidDownloads: {
        useDownloadManager: true,
        notification: true,
        path: path,
        description: 'Image'

    }).fetch("GET", imgUrl).then(res => {
      console.log(res, 'end downloaded')
  } else {