i try to pass props on stacknavigator, here my code
how to pass 'myprops' on StackNavigator area?
If you want to pass props in that place you have to use it like this.
const MainCart = StackNavigator({
Cart: {
screen: props=> <CartScreen {...props} screenProps={other required prop}>
Checkout: {
screen: COScreen
If you want to pass props when navigating the solution by Sagar Chavada is useful
You have to either use React Context(recommended) or a render callback to solve this. Documentation link
Below example shows how to do with React Context
In your parent of the navigator file create a context
<AppContext.Provider value={other required prop}>
In your navigator file
const YourNavigator = () => (
<AppScreen.Screen name={"routeName"} component={AppContextWrapper}/>
const AppContextWrapper = ({ navigation, route }) => (
{(other required prop) => (
<YourScreenComponent {...other required prop}/>
another easy (not recommended) - Callback method
<Stack.Screen name="Home">
{props => <HomeScreen {...props} extraData={someData} />}
Note: By default, React Navigation applies optimizations to screen components to prevent unnecessary renders. Using a render callback removes those optimizations. So if you use a render callback, you'll need to ensure that you use React.memo or React.PureComponent for your screen components to avoid performance issues.