Disable back button in react navigation

EyalS picture EyalS · Mar 16, 2017 · Viewed 104k times · Source

I'm using react native navigation (react-navigation) StackNavigator. it starts from the Login page throughout the whole lifecycle of the app. I don't want to have a back option, returning to the Login screen. Does anyone know how it can be hidden on the screen after the login screen? BTW, I'm also hiding it in the login screen by using:

const MainStack = StackNavigator({
  Login: {
    screen: Login,
    navigationOptions: {
      title: "Login",
      header: {
        visible: false,
  // ... other screens here


Florin Dobre picture Florin Dobre · May 15, 2017

1) To make the back button disappear in react-navigation v2 or newer:

navigationOptions:  {
    title: 'MyScreen',
    headerLeft: null

2) If you want to clean navigation stack:

Assuming you are on the screen from which you want to navigate from:

If you are using react-navigation version v5 or newer you can use navigation.reset or CommonActions.reset:

 // Replace current navigation state with a new one,
 // index value will be the current active route:

  index: 0,
  routes: [{ name: 'Profile' }],

Source and more info here: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/navigation-prop/#reset


    index: 1,
    routes: [
      { name: 'Home' },
        name: 'Profile',
        params: { user: 'jane' },

Source and more info here: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/navigation-actions/#reset

For older versions of react-navigation:

v2-v4 use StackActions.reset(...)

import { StackActions, NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';

const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
  index: 0, // <-- currect active route from actions array
  actions: [
    NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'myRouteWithDisabledBackFunctionality' }),


v1 use NavigationActions.reset

3) For android you will also have to disable the hardware back button using the BackHandler:


or if you want to use hooks:


otherwise the app will close at android hardware back button press if navigation stack is empty.