I have a TabNavigator as shown in the picture. Header Image
I am using TabNavigator for creating these tabs as below.
const Tab_Navigator = TabNavigator({
screen: First,
screen: Second,
screen: Third,
Now I want to block/disable "Second" and "Third" tabs. It should be visible but one shouldn't able to navigate to them.
I tried blocking these tabs as shown here but I guess I am missing something. My try:
Tab_Navigator.router.getStateForAction = (action, state) => {
if( action.type === NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: "Second"}) ||
action.type === NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: "Third"}))
return null;
return Byte.router.getStateForAction(action, state);
In this case, the action.type = "Navigation/NAVIGATE" and action.routeName is the name of your tab. It is just a little different from the ReactNavigation Routers example. The following should work:
const defaultGetStateForAction = Tab_Navigator.router.getStateForAction;
Tab_Navigator.router.getStateForAction = (action, state) => {
if ((action.type === NavigationActions.NAVIGATE) &&
(action.routeName === "Second" || action.routeName === "Third") {
return null;
return defaultGetStateForAction(action, state);
EDIT: Here is an image of the the Chrome Debugger stopped at a breakpoint in a very similar piece of code(tab names are different), but it shows the values of the "action" object being passed into this function.