How to add a Drawer Inside Stack Navigation in React Navigation

Irshad Alam picture Irshad Alam · Sep 23, 2018 · Viewed 24.8k times · Source

I am working on a Practice Project like Login/Register Application and I am using Stack Navigation from react-navigations and it's working perfect,

Now when User Login's he should be redirected to the Dashboard Screen where I want a Drawer to the right side of the header "I also added a screenshot" and I created the Dashboard Screen also in Stack Navigation I don't know How I can add that Drawer inside the Stack Navigation I just want Drawer on my Dashboard Screen so anyone who can help with that? Thanks

This is What I want to look on my Dashboard Screen

App.js (Where I added all Stack Screens)

    import React from 'react';

    import { createStackNavigator, createDrawerNavigator } from 'react-navigation';

    import HomeScreen from './screens/HomeScreen';
    import LoginScreen from './screens/LoginScreen';
    import RegisterScreen from './screens/RegisterScreen';
    import Dashboard from './screens/Dashboard';

    const StackNavigation = createStackNavigator({
      HomeStack: HomeScreen,
      LoginStack: LoginScreen,
      RegisterStack: RegisterScreen,
      DashboardStack: Dashboard,

    }, {
        initialRouteName: 'HomeStack',

      const DrawerNav = createDrawerNavigator({
        DashboardStack: Dashboard,

    export default class App extends React.Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <StackNavigation />


    import React from 'react';
    import { Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';

    import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';

    export default class Dashboard extends React.Component {

        static navigationOptions = {

            headerTitle: 'Dashboard',
            headerLeft: null,

            headerTitleStyle: {
                flex: 1,
                color: '#fff',
                textAlign: 'center',
                alignSelf: 'center',
                fontWeight: 'normal',

            headerStyle: {
                backgroundColor: '#b5259e',


Jeff Gu Kang picture Jeff Gu Kang · Sep 23, 2018

Showing drawer from right side.

Add a drawer Position parameter when create Drawer Navigator.

const DrawerNav = createDrawerNavigator({
  DashboardStack: Dashboard, 
  drawerPosition: 'right'

Call DrawerNavigation from header's button.

Add a button to the header for toggleDrawer in Dashboard.js. You can get the navigation instance as below in navigationOptions;

class Dashboard extends React.Component {
  static navigationOptions = ({navigation, navigationOptions}) => {
    return {
      headerTitle: 'Dashboard@@',
      headerLeft: <Text>Left</Text>,
      headerRight: (
        <Button onPress = {navigation.toggleDrawer}
      headerTitleStyle: {
        flex: 1,
        color: '#fff',
        textAlign: 'center',
        alignSelf: 'center',
        fontWeight: 'normal',

      headerStyle: {
        backgroundColor: '#b5259e',

You could change button to Touchable Opacity or another one.

Wrap AuthStackNavigation and DrawerNavigation using another Navigator.

Wrap your navigation using createSwitchNavigation or another and export.

// App.js

import React from 'react';

import {
} from 'react-navigation';

import HomeScreen from './srcs/screens/Home';
import Dashboard from './srcs/screens/Dashboard';

const AuthStackNavigation = createStackNavigator({
  HomeStack: HomeScreen,
  LoginStack: HomeScreen,
  RegisterStack: HomeScreen,
}, {
  initialRouteName: 'HomeStack',

const DashboardStack = createStackNavigator({ // For header options
  Dashboard: Dashboard

const DrawerNav = createDrawerNavigator({
  DashboardStack: DashboardStack,
  SecondScreen: Dashboard, // You should use another screen.
  ThirdScreen: Dashboard,

const MainNavigation = createSwitchNavigator({
  HomeDrawer: DrawerNav,
  AuthStack: AuthStackNavigation, // You will use this.props.navigation.replace('HomeDrawer') after login process.

export default MainNavigation // Stack, Drawer, Switch naviagtions return react component.